Introduction to Chat GPT: Understanding and Utilizing Conversational AI

Course Duration: 1 hour

Course Summary

Chat GPT is an advanced language model that generates human-like text responses for conversational purposes. It can be used to build chatbots and virtual assistants, engaging in multi-turn conversations and providing informative responses. This one-hour course briefly introduces Chat GPT, covering its fundamentals and practical applications. Participants will gain an understanding of what Chat GPT is, its capabilities, and how to effectively utilize it for building conversational AI systems.

Course Curriculum

11 Sections

1. Introduction to Chat GPT (10 minutes)

  • Overview of Chat GPT and its purpose in conversational AI

  • Explanation of how Chat GPT uses deep learning and language models

2. Chat GPT’s Capabilities (10 minutes)

  • Exploration of Chat GPT’s ability to generate human-like text responses

  • Examples of chatbot use cases powered by Chat GPT

3. Accessing and Setting Up Chat GPT (10 minutes)

  • Overview of platforms and resources to access Chat GPT

  • Steps for setting up the necessary environment and dependencies

4. Utilizing Chat GPT for Conversational AI (20 minutes)

  • Techniques for training a chatbot using Chat GPT

  • Implementing input handling and response generation with Chat GPT

5. Best Practices and Tips for Effective Use (5 minutes)

  • Guidelines for training and fine-tuning Chat GPT models

  • Addressing common challenges and considerations in chatbot development

6. Next Steps and Resources (5 minutes)

  • Additional learning resources, documentation, and tutorials for further exploration

  • Introduction to communities and forums for seeking support and sharing insights